Garage Sale Fall / Winter 2023 campaign
Questa cosa tutto divora:
Uccelli, bestie, alberi e fiori;
Mastica il ferro e morde l’acciaio;
riduce in polvere le rocce più dure;
Uccide i re e distrugge le più grandi città.
This thing devours everything:
Birds, beasts, trees and flowers;
It chews iron and bites steel;
It reduces the hardest rocks to dust;
It kills kings and destroys the greatest cities.

✸ Art Direction / Videography: Francesca Condo
Digital Photography: Stefano Gai
✸ Analog Photography: Alessia Mastrorilli
Styling: Melanie Jane Bassich
✸ MUA: Mariam Royal Accademy of Makeup
✸ Production Assistant: Alessia Mastrorilli
Music: Paolo Peyron
Talents: Loris, Karolina, Sofia