Aristocrazy photo & video for Sara Ricciardi. Aura Studio / co-design space
Aristocrazy photo & video for Sara Ricciardi. Aura Studio / co-design space


Altalene design by Sara Ricciardi

«[…] Ecco che nasce Aristocrazy - Le straordinarie nappe che tengono insieme i velluti delle pesanti tende, diventano delle altalene per roteare furiosi nelle stanze.Mezzo skylift, mezzo rodeo setoso, mezza altalena. La chimera della follia
Il deliro va solo cavalcato.»

Aura Studio si è occupato di documentare le quattro altalene della serie Aristocrazy, occupandosi di direzione creativa, videografia, fotografia, musica, post produzione ed editing.

Aristocrazy photo & video for Sara Ricciardi. Aura Studio / co-design space
Aristocrazy photo & video for Sara Ricciardi. Aura Studio / co-design space
Aristocrazy photo & video for Sara Ricciardi. Aura Studio / co-design space

«Aristocrazy is a project born on a cold November day in the dark living room of a castle.
My gaze was fixed on the curtains draped with trimmings.
There was a deathly silence and the many paintings of the ancestors all around as if they where controlling me. 
Just at that moment I thought that I wanted to have fun, straddle the trimmings and laugh for everyone, for the ancestors, for the upholstery, the velvets and to make my laughter echo everywhere. 
Sometimes there are places where you want to bring some imbalance and fun. 
This collection of swings represents just that.
Princes but also cheeky.
Go at a gallop of your imagination.» 

- Sara Ricciardi

Aristocrazy photo & video for Sara Ricciardi. Aura Studio / co-design space
Aristocrazy photo & video for Sara Ricciardi. Aura Studio / co-design space
Aristocrazy photo & video for Sara Ricciardi. Aura Studio / co-design space

Art Direction: Sara Ricciardi Studio
Videography / Digital Photography: Francesca Condo
✸ Post Production / Editing: Aura Studio
Styling: Sara Ricciardi
Music: Paolo Peyron
Talent: Jessica Fortunato
Locations: Passamaneria Massia / Sara Ricciardi Studio


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